Thursday, February 18, 2016

Outfit: Polka Dots and a Bolo Tie

On the subject of bolo ties: Bolo ties, also known as shoestring neckties or bootlace ties, consist of a metal tipped cord attached by an ornamental clasp. They originated in the western states of the U.S. but how they came about is unclear. Some say that the bolo tie wasn't invented until the 1940s while others say that bolo ties were a native american accessory long before then. In recent history, we have seen the bolo tie slide in and out of popularity through the 20th century. The 1950s saw a particular increase in bolo tie popularity in both the United States and Britain as part of the rockabilly look. They came back again in 1971 when the bolo tie was named official neckwear of Arizona. As recent as 2007 Texas also moved to name the bolo tie as their state's official neckwear. I personally had never heard of states even having official neckwear before doing my bolo tie research so I fruitlessly tried to find out what Pennsylvania's official neckwear is only to find a serious lack of information on the subject. 

I found this bolo tie and matching belt buckle at my in-laws house. I was about to head out to take photos and wanted a belt to finish my look so after rummaging through a drawer in the attic, I found this incredible vintage piece which tied my outfit together perfectly. What's more, it came along with a bolo tie. I really couldn't be more thrilled. I love the tiny square dancers depicted on the bright blue background. You can almost feel the giddiness of them spinning around.
Today's photos were taken on the grounds of a nearby empty house. Although the land was flooded with sunlight, a bitter wind was whipping through the entire time I was taking pictures making my nose run and hands chap. I was especially glad for my extra warm cashmere sweater but found myself wishing I had brought gloves and another layer with me. 
Takeaway: dress for the weather. You can always shed layers if you need to. 

Outfit Details
Sweater: United Colors of Benneton (thrifted)
Shirt: Iris (hand-me-down)
Polka Dot Jeans: Merona (thrifted)
Boots: Steve Madden (purchased secondhand)
Belt and Tie: Vintage (borrowed) similar listed on etsy here

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