Thursday, June 30, 2016

Red, White, and Blueberries

As a teenager I spent all my 4th of July energy wishing I was European and could not care less about celebrating the birth of our nation. But my point of view shifted around the age of 21, after a year of volunteering with Americorps, national community service program. I think the real change occurred in Joplin, Missouri after the city was hit by an EF-5 tornado. My volunteer team was deployed to clean up the tornado's wreckage and I met thousands of other people from all over the country who sweated in the hot sun to put Joplin back together. Through the debris field, American flags stood up and it hit me just how incredible our population is. People drove, flew, even biked to Joplin, carrying tools and paying for everything out of pocket to help the people who lost their homes. Despite current political angst, and hype about Americans being clueless and self-centered, there is also fierce love, determination, and responsibility to help one another in this country. The United States is a beautiful, diverse place full of goodhearted people. Today, I am honored to be an American.

Funny story about this outfit: I wore this shirt and skirt together a few months ago and was ready to walk out the door when Ben asked me why I was dressed like an American flag. I looked down and started laughing uncontrollably because in my bleary early morning state, I didn't realize how incredible patriotic I looked when I pulled my clothes on. I hastily changed and took note that I should pair the shirt and skirt together again closer to Independence Day. This 4th of July weekend I am enjoying the excuse to wear clothes that scream stars and stripes. I'm also thinking a swim in the river, beer, fireworks, and a game of frisbee is in order. As for now, I'm enjoying some local blueberries in the hot summer sun. 

Outfit Details
Everything I'm wearing is old or thrifted. 


  1. Adorable mix in prints. Love the skirt! <3

    - Anna

  2. Love both the top and the skirt! Such a cute look on you!

    Abby | Life in the Fash Lane
