Sunday, February 21, 2016

Outfit: Afternoon Floral

Somedays I get in the "flow" when taking outfit photos and I end up with a post I feel proud of. Today felt a bit rushed and I don't think that my outfit matched the surroundings as much as I would have liked. However, I still believe that it is a good practice for me to keep taking photos, keep posting, and to stay in practice of blogging. If nothing else, it gives me an excuse to get outside and practice photography. Today was a particularly nice day for it because the weather was mild and the sun was softly shining through the clouds. I went to a local park with some friends and set up my tripod by the creek to snap these photos. The mossy rocks and dry leaves were a welcome relief from the hours I've spent in front of a computer screen this week. 

Outfit Details
Shoes: Vans
Tights: Old
Dress: Target (Clearance)
Cardigan: Old
Egg Beater Necklace: Ricky Boscarino

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