Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Outfit: Fresh Start

It's official: I'm a teacher. The day before yesterday was my first day of school and these were some photos I snapped after finishing lesson plans for the day. I went with a neutral color palette for my outfit because I wanted to feel professional but I'm sure more colors will come out as I gain confidence in my new job. For those who don't know, I am covering an elementary school teacher's maternity leave until May so I will be teaching math to 4th, 5th, and 7th graders for the next twelve weeks. I've adopted a little classroom and could not be more nervous and excited. So here I am off to a fresh start. I woke up early, ate a proper breakfast, did a sun salutation, and put on my most teacher-ish outfit. Teaching math will be a new challenge for me: I've taught elective classes before but never something with a textbook, homework, and cumulative tests. If you had told me in 5th grade that someday I would be teaching 5th grade math I would not have believed it. Math was my worst subject in school, I thought I was hopeless at it. Today I'm still getting over that hurdle and forcing myself to buckle down and understand math concepts I blundered my way through in grade school. To my surprise, I actually am capable of understanding math. More than that, I can teach it to other people. This is huge for me. 
Its funny the way our brains set up mental blockades into thinking that if we're not good at something we can never change. I'm learning that I can redirect my thoughts and embrace new directions. It just took a fresh start to get me started.

Outfit Details
Cardigan: Old
Button-Up: Old (I added the hearts myself)
Skirt: H&M (sold out, similar here
Tights: Vera Wang (Old)
Shoes: Thrifted

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful layering in this outfit! The skirt is perfect! <3

    - Anna
