Thursday, February 25, 2016

Designer to Know: Bryony

 Bryony is a London based design company which produces clothing and children's books. Darling designs entice the imagination and fuse storytelling and fashion with every piece. The illustrations printed on the dresses tell us stories about a little girl named Poppy whose adventures you can read about as each dress comes with a corresponding book. Bryony's clothing is produced ethically in England and is created to last. These are investment pieces that you can wear, cherish, and wear again. To see more for yourself, visit their webpage here

Side note:
Blogging has given me such a perspective on clothing that I did not have eight months ago when I started. My original focus was "Staying stylish on a budget." While I still hold true to that, my way of going about it has completely changed. I believe it is better to have fewer items that you love than a closet full of junk clothes. My short-term solution has been to stop buying clothing (You can read about that pledge here). Taking a break from shopping has given me greater perspective on the kinds of purchases I want to make and who I want to give my money to. Meanwhile, blogging has educated me on styles I love and new companies I want to support. I'm no longer prone to impulse buys if I'm picking something up at a store that happens to sell clothing and I appreciate what I already have more than ever. I'm not sure how long my no shopping stint will last but my plan is to wait and save up for a special piece from a small designer like Bryony, a company run by real people who create beautiful, unique clothing in an ethical manner. 

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