Friday, February 26, 2016

Outfit: Owl Dress

I finished my first week teaching math. This time last week I was nervous to start my new job but now I feel calm, confident, and excited about the rest of the school year. I guess sometimes we just need to jump headfirst into something to get over any jitters about doing it. 

The weather today was beautifully sunny but any warmth the sunlight shed was blown away by a biting wind. With fingers half numb I hurriedly fiddled with my tripod and camera settings to take a few outfit pictures before sheltering back inside. One thing to be said about the cold: it builds up an appetite. I wasn't hungry before I went outside but felt completely ravenous on my way home. The solution: hot root vegetable soup and butter biscuits. Winter foods are so satisfying aren't they? Speaking of which, I think I might just go boil some water for tea. If you are staying in, I invite you to do the same. 

Outfit Details
Shoes: Thrifted
Tights: Hue
Dress: Modcloth 
Cardigan: Old
Bandana: Old


  1. Your blog is one of my favorite things to look at! The photo on the fence is very cute. I have been thinking of you starting teaching this week and I'm glad it is going well. :)

  2. This outfit is so cute! I adore all the colors. And your tights are fantastic - so fun! Congratulations on your first week teaching math! :)

