Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Doily Pockets

I sewed doilies onto the pockets of my yellow coat to dress it up a bit. Adding little personal touches to clothing is one of my favorite forms of self-expression and I try to make a point of blogging about it. I can't really take credit for the doily idea though, I just borrowed it from a picture I saw on pinterest a few months ago and have been meaning to try out. The coat I'm wearing came from a thrift shop so I wasn't worried about messing it up if the project went wrong (although there isn't much that can go wrong stitching a doily onto a jacket but just in case). With my new job I don't have as much free time as I used to but I still like to make time for sewing. Lately my husband Ben and I have been doing individual art projects while listening to history podcasts. He sets up with his painting, I set up with my sewing, and we work side by side learning about Ganghis Kahn. One of my favorite things about friendship are the little in between moments like this when you are so comfortable around someone that just being in the same space doing your own thing is nice. 

As you can see from the crocus photos, spring is on the way. The temperature is still a little chilly but more flowers are starting to bloom and today it was especially cheery to see honey bees out and about again. Right now I'm looking forward to spending time outside without needing to layer. 

Outfit Details
Coat: Thrifted (Originally Old Navy)
Dress worn as skirt: Hand-me-down
Tights: Old
Shoes: Not sure what brand, I ordered them off Amazon

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