Wednesday, May 11, 2016

5 Ways to Save Money on Clothes

  1. Minimize. It is better to have a wardrobe full of select items you love instead of a wardrobe packed with junk clothes that you avoid wearing. 
  2. When buying do the dance test. If you like an item so much that you want to start dancing in the changing room then it is worth taking home. If you are weighing whether or not you really want it or need it then you probably don't. 
  3. Don't be afraid to buy secondhand. I find some of my favorite items at thrift shops. Just be sure to wash your purchases.
  4. Say yes to hand-me-downs but be realistic about what you will actually wear. Donate the rest.
  5. Buy out of season: You can find winter coats on clearance in the spring and save them for the following year. The same goes for summer wear in the fall. 

1 comment:

  1. GReat tips! I sell some of my items that I no longer wear! It helps me make some money to buy new things!
